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zaterdag 23 april 2011

Do it my way: Intro

Hello my dear readers,

Today I'm going to tell you a little more about the "Do it my way" project I have been working on. Things like the why of the whole project.

I wanted to create something on my blog that is more then me just ranting about random stuff. When I started this blog, my whole idea was to become this huge blog writer, writing about fashion and the things I create. Back then I thought that I could just become a writer like that just by starting a blog. Well, things didn't really turn out that way.

But this past period I've been having the same kind of idea's about this blog again. I want to make it into something. You don't just become, you have to work hard to create things too become.

And thats what this whole project is about.

With these "Do it my way" posts I want to learn how to research things that are interesting to share, and really write about them. I want to create posts that are interesting and fun to read, that give you idea's or support you with the idea's you have.

My goal for now is to set a date each month for these "Do it my way" posts. Each month I'm going to look for something interesting to write about. Right now I'm working on gathering idea's and writing drafts.

My second goal is to post a little something about fashion each month. Just something I like, or an idea I got, something small. I am, after all, a graduate in fashion, and it is still a big passion of mine, so I want to share little idea's about my fashion styles.

So in the end there will be 2 blog posts per month that will actually be well thought-out and planned. I can't give you any guarantees about the rest of the posts though. They will probably end up being rants again.

I am looking forward to writing these blog posts. I hope you are looking forward to reading them. I will try my very best. And I will probably curse myself more then once for setting these goals. But I'm going to see this through to the end and create something I can use for my other goals.

Until next time,
which might very well be the first of my real "Do it my way".

1 opmerking:

  1. "Back then I thought that I could just become a writer like that just by starting a blog. Well, things didn't really turn out that way."

    Well it didnt work out that way :P but i think you got talent if you would try ;)

    "But this past period I've been having the same kind of idea's about this blog again. I want to make it into something. You don't just become, you have to work hard to create things too become.

    Creating is fun =) indeed you have to work hard to create something... the world would be a lot more boring but also allot more easier >_<

    "I can't give you any guarantees about the rest of the posts though. They will probably end up being rants again. "

    Random rants can be interesting too :)
    And it helps blows of some steam at least it does that for me =)
