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donderdag 15 november 2012

Time for Change

Yes, it is that time of the year again.

Hello everybody, welcome and welcome back.

It has been ages since I wrote anything and today isn't going to be a major post, either. Just as the title of the post says it is Time for Change. I felt it was time for change, time to move forward again, so I changed the name of my blog and the layout. Every year I have a period in time where I realize that I need to change something, usually about myself or my surrounding. I guess this time the change in me already passed and I noticed it's time to change my surrounding to fit me. I'm not going to stay the same person my whole life, I'm changing so it is only normal that the things around me change with me when I do, don't you agree?

So, time for a new chapter of this blog to start. I won't make any promises -I never kept the once I made before, anyways- but I will try to do my best at writing. Be it for my own sake or to entertain the readers that visit my blog I can't really say, and I'll have to be honest that it doesn't really matter to me with what reason I write, just that I like writing. 

Just a small update about the current me:

This -not so little- princess is currently residing in Japan, Sendai. I need to study Japanese for half a year in Japan in order to be able to graduate -I am not complaining though- and been in Sendai since the end of August, 2012. I'm enjoying myself immensely and trying to learn as much about the Japanese language, people and Fashion as I can. Still haven't settled on liking one Fashion style, don't think I ever will and would have it no other way. Live still has many ups and downs, still struggling with a lot of things but I look forward to the future. Specially graduating from my university and getting to work in the real world.

 And this is where I leave you for tonight.

A small note to my readers: 

For the old ones: Thank you for reading, thank you for your support in the past, thank you for returning and I hope you will keep supporting me in the present and future.
For the new ones: Thank you for reading, welcome, I hope you'll enjoy my writings of the present and I'm hoping for your support in the future.

Until the Future <3 div="div">

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